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American Blind And Shade
Phone: 301-244-0652
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Password must contain at least 8 digits of mixed upper/lower case + number(s) + symbol(s)
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To authenticate your new account, please log in using the temporary password within the next 72 hours. You will then be prompted to create a unique secure password of your own choosing.
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AMERICAN BLIND AND SHADE is a GSA Federal Supply Schedule contractor for window treatments such as motorized or manual blinds and shades. Log in to view GSA pricing and purchase directly from our website to enjoy the ease of procurement through sole-source contracting, or contact us to request a competitive bid. We gladly provide personalized specification consultation, design assistance, performance analysis, quotations, material samples, installation, and measurement services. References are available upon request from numerous government agencies around the country, including military installations. Please contact us today to see how we can best meet your needs!