You must be registered and logged in with an official .gov or .mil email address
to view GSA pricing and save a shopping cart.
Or for assistance with retail pricing and orders, please contact us directly: American Blind And Shade
Phone: 301-244-0652
Now that you are a registered account holder, you have access to our extensive inventory of highest quality window treatments -- all listed on the GSA Schedule with government-exclusive pricing beyond compare. You can search for and customize products, compare pricing and features, save drafts, place orders, and make secure payment directly on the site. We invite you to log in and take a look around.
Configure and purchase your products through our online self-service website, and receive an additional 10% off of your total product cost!
Enter promo code SELFSERV at checkout.
Please check inbox to confirm your registration
Change Temporary Password
Welcome, !
Please enter the temporary password we sent you, then create a unique secure password to complete the registration process and authenticate your new account. Keep a record of your new password somewhere safe, as we will not be able to retreive it for you.
Password must contain at least 8 digits of mixed upper/lower case + number(s) + symbol(s)
Secure password requirements:
Use 8 characters minimum
Upper & lower case
One number & one symbol minimum
Password Changed successfully
Change Password
You've requested to update your login password.
Please use this temporary password to log in within the next 72 hours. You'll be prompted to create a unique password of your own choosing. Be sure to keep a record of your new password in a safe location for future reference.
Password must contain at least 8 digits of mixed upper/lower case + number(s) + symbol(s)
Secure password requirements:
Use 8 characters minimum
Upper & lower case
One number & one symbol minimum
Password Changed successfully, click here to login
Thank You For Registration
We have sent a temporary password to your email address -- please check your inbox or spam folder.
To authenticate your new account, please log in using the temporary password within the next 72 hours. You will then be prompted to create a unique secure password of your own choosing.
Use this interactive tool to help find just the right products that match your criteria. Currently showing 26 products. You must be logged in and enter a size to see GSA pricing.